Why Eagle Express is thankful today…
Services Caroline Horner Services Caroline Horner

Why Eagle Express is thankful today…

Gratitude is a big part of our business. At Eagle Express, who we are and how we conduct ourselves is a hallmark of our business model. We believe in honesty, kindness, hearts of service and care, gratitude for each client. With every delivery, we see an opportunity to be stand out, be different. We do what we say we will do, and we are deeply grateful that people choose us to handle their deliveries.

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DIY deliveries vs. outsourcing to expert Dallas courier services
Services Caroline Horner Services Caroline Horner

DIY deliveries vs. outsourcing to expert Dallas courier services

Ah, DIY. Some people love it. Some people hate it. Some people think they’re great at it when in actuality… you know exactly what I’m talking about, right? You either have the knack for DIY or you don’t. And even if you have a knack for it, that doesn’t mean you should tackle the project. Sometimes, calling in the experts is the best way – for your sanity, for your time, for your guaranteed satisfaction.

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Best Practices for Small Business Logistics in Dallas Fort Worth
Services Kayla Palesky Services Kayla Palesky

Best Practices for Small Business Logistics in Dallas Fort Worth

Local businesses don’t get nearly enough love, especially as gas prices soar, cost of living increases, and, as a result, the cost of doing business becomes increasingly difficult. You want to continue to serve clients well and take care of your employees, but what’s a local business to do when the going gets tough?

At Eagle Express believe one of the best ways to stay the path is to pave it. Work smarter when it comes to moving supplies and finished products. Make your road to success easier with these best practices for small business logistics.

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Eagle Dallas Courier Delivers 10 Father’s Day Gifts That Aren’t a Tie
Services Kayla Palesky Services Kayla Palesky

Eagle Dallas Courier Delivers 10 Father’s Day Gifts That Aren’t a Tie

If you have a dad in your life that you’d like to gift with some awesomeness on June 19th, then Eagle Express Dallas Couriers are here to deliver! Sure, we’re delivering your dad’s favorite foods to grocery stores home cooking, and to restaurants for Sunday dinner. We’re also moving seasonal merchandise like those “King of the Grill” aprons and coffee mugs. Not only that, we’re ensuring large items like furniture and Dad’s favorite recliners make it to salesroom floors and, eventually, your living room.

Sure, Eagle Express plays a pivotal role in ensuring dads have a great Father’s Day, but that’s not enough. Today we’re delivering the top 10 Father’s Day gifts for dad- and not even one of them is a tie! Get ready to take notes!

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Put Eagle Express Courier Service on Repeat
Services Caroline Horner Services Caroline Horner

Put Eagle Express Courier Service on Repeat

Some things are worth repeating. A catchy song, a showstopper meal, a great story, a beautiful destination. Repetition can bring joy. Repetition can bring clarity. Repetition can bring remembrance. Repetition can save you from redoing past mistakes. Repetition has a place.

Being that we are inching toward the halfway point of 2022, I figure one repetition is in order. No, it isn’t a catchy song (although, if you want to know my current favorite repeat, it’s Country Road by John Denver).

My June repetition is this: what to look for when you’re hunting for a courier service.

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For Time Sensitive Cargo, All Roads Lead to Rome
Services Kayla Palesky Services Kayla Palesky

For Time Sensitive Cargo, All Roads Lead to Rome

When we consider this phrase, we’re talking about a universally accepted end to a mission that can have multiple different routes. Here at Eagle Express, we’re talking about all kids of cargo, all different routes, and multiple industries all meeting at the same end result: a successful delivery. We’re also talking about keeping universal standards as we carry out our mission to transport time and temperature sensitive goods.

When you partner with Eagle Express, no matter what service we provide, or where your time sensitive cargo is going, all roads are traveled according the following universal standards.

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