Why Choose a Local Courier Service for Your Delivery Needs?
Why choose a local courier service for your DFW Logistics needs? National carriers may seem like the obvious choice, with tear jerking commercials during the Super Bowl or expensive spots on your favorite TV station, local courier services provide a range of benefits that are often overlooked.

Nationwide Deliveries with Local Hospitality
As the number one provider of time and temperature sensitive deliveries in North Texas, Eagle Express Dallas Courier provides the best that Texas has to offer as well as nationwide service. With Eagle Express you get local hospitality and national care.

Your Local Courier Says: It's a Beautiful Day in Your Neighborhood
With great diversity, economic success, and family friendly fun, the DFW Metroplex is certainly lovely. And as a local courier in North Texas, Eagle Express knows how important it is to do our part in contributing to the beautiful neighborhood that is the Metroplex.